We are a diverse group of people determined to do what is in the best interest of the community. We focus on addressing the needs of those affected by the criminal justice system. By removing barriers to successful reentry we are making our communities safer.

We commit to engage in collaborative problem-solving, fostering a healthy environment, and increasing knowledge about the benefits of supporting our justice-involved neighbors.

Doing better, together.


Embracing knowledge

An essential tool to building a safer community is education. We aim to raise awareness through open dialogue and informative conversations within our community. Reduce the stigma by learning and accepting positive change.

  • ReEntry

    The transition from life in jail or prison to life in the community, can have profound implications for public safety.

  • Recidivism

    Recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice. It refers to a person's relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime.

  • Restorative Justice

    Restorative justice seeks to repair harm and prevent future harm by elevating the needs of those who have been harmed and inviting those who have caused harm into a process of active accountability.

Add a Word to the List

We can all learn from each other. If there is a word that you would like added to the list, please offer it here.

…we cannot merely place people behind bars as a means of “solving” problems.

— Judge Tylwalk